The Basque Country is one of the best locations to run a Startup because of its industrial environment. It’s also important to consider that the Basque Country provides different types of grants to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Basque Government offers many different type of Grants, which are classification by sectors.



  • Hazitek

The Hazitek grant is Intended for the completion of Industrial Research or Experimental Development projects, of either a competitive or strategic nature, in the business sector of the Basque Autonomous Region (CAPV), and in the fields of specialisation as part of the Euskadi 2020 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (PCTI). The grant is for development of new products or new companies with a science and technology basis the projects may be carried out on an individual basis or cooperatively, the total minimum annual budget is €100,000  in the case of cooperation projects, €50,000 per company and funding is up to 25% of eligible costs


  • Elkartek

The Elkartek grant supports the completion of Fundamental Collaborative Research Projects and High-Potential Industrial Research Projects carried out by Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTI) Agents in the fields which form part of the PCTI 2020 and in the RIS3 Smart Specialisation Strategy. The grant is designed for the 3 different types of projects which are

  • Fundamental Collaborative Research Projects. Fundamental research projects completed through collaboration by RVCTI agents to broaden knowledge in the priority fields of the PCTI and the RIS3. Total minimum budget: €500,000 per project and €50,000 per participating entity. Duration of up to 2 years.
  • High-Potential Industrial Research Projects. Focused fundamental research projects or industrial research projects led by the Business R&D Units of the RVCTI, with high driving power and access to themarket. Total minimum budget of €100,000 per project and €50,000 per participating entity. Duration of up to 2 years.
  • Complementary actions of special interest. Mediation projects between technological supply and demand developed by supply-demand Mediation Entities and Dissemination Entities to draft prospecting and technology monitoring studies, actions to promote cooperation, R&D and innovation management activities for technology transfer or the promotion of participation in R&D and innovation internationalisation activities. Duration


  • Technical Reports on Qualification for Fiscal Purposes

This grant is intended for all companies and intended an Issuing Technical Reports on Qualification for Fiscal Purposes. This grant is build in order to provide incentives, promote and further research and development activities at Basque companies by creating greater legal security through the application of tax deductions for the Corporate Tax, this technical evaluation and later report are a free service provided on an annual basis that is binding for the Regional Governments.


  • Financial Support: R&D/Energy Efficiency/Technical Scientific Infrastructure

This grant helps R&D and innovation projects to adopt energy efficiency and clean energy measures, and investments in science and technology. Venture financing by providing guarantees for loan transactions to be formalised by the Basque Institute of Finances (IVF) and the participating Financial Entities, within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement signed.

Energy Efficiency Measures. The investment is necessary to achieve a higher level of energy efficiency, the use of a renewable energy or the replacement of diesel fuel or coal units.

Technical Scientific Infrastructures. This grant intended a minimun loan of 250,000 euros and maximum of 5 million euros per investment project, or 75% of the total investment.


  • Industria Digitala Grants Programme

This grant supports the inclusion of Electronic, Information and Communication Technology (EICT) in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from the industrial manufacturing sector.

This grant is divided funding for the eligible costs (consulting, engineering, hardware and software):

  • Micro and Small Companies, 50%.
  • Medium-sized Companies, 30%

The maximum annual funding will be €18,000 per project.


  • Basque Industry 4.0 Grants Programme

This grant is intended for Industrial manufacturing companies (individual or cooperative projects), and it purposes support for Industrial Research and Experimental Development Projects that involve technology transfer from technology suppliers to industrial companies, in the realm of EICTs applied to Advanced Manufacturing, which have a demonstrative effect and make it possible to accelerate the transfer of results from R&D projects on EICTs into the market. 25% of the eligible expenses and investments approved + 15% when the project involves effective cooperation between a company and one or more research and knowledge dissemination entities, up to a limit of €150,000 per project.


  • Mikroenpresa Digitala – Prestakuntza and Inplantalariak

This grant is intended for micro-companies and the self-employed. The purpose of the grant is to promote Technology Advice Service on the use of computer applications for the management and promotion of the business (INPLANTALARIAK). It has two lines of action; the Free implementation of ICT solutions by a Inplantalari-Digital consultant and Training courses on ICTs lasting two hours, taught at the network of KZgunea centres.


  • Lehiabide-Innobideak

This grant is intended for Companies that perform industrial activities of extraction, transformation, production and technical services related with the production process of the aforementioned and the realm of the information society and communications.

The grant will divide in:

-Individual projects. 50% of the project’s eligible expenses. Maximum of €45,000 per company. -Cooperation projects: 60% of the eligible costs, up to a limit of €35,000 per company and €100,000 per project. If they rely on the collaboration of an industry-wide, business-related or territorial agent, the amount which may be financed in this respect rises to a maximum of €10,000.


  • Kudeabide-Innobideak

This grant is intended for Companies that perform industrial activities of extraction, transformation, production and technical services related with the production process of the aforementioned and the realm of the information society and communications.

This grant has a Free Initial Verification and is carried out in conjunction with the Regional Governments of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, and with the cooperation of EUSKALIT.


  • Pertsonak-Innobideak

This grant is Intended for Companies that perform industrial activities of extraction, transformation, production and technical services related with the production process of the aforementioned and the realm of the information society and communications.

This grant includes:

  • Initial Appraisal + Design of the Plan for Participation + Assistance in Implementation: 50%

of the project’s eligible expenses, up to a funding limit of €60,000.

  • Assistance with the Implementation of the Participation Plans: 50% of the eligible

costs, up to a funding limit of €30,000 per company.


  • Prestakuntza-Innobideak

This grant is Intended for members of the management teams of companies that perform industrial activities of extraction, transformation, production and technical services related with the production process of the aforementioned and the realm of the information society and communications. This grant offers free training sessions on the following topics:

  • Strategy
  • Clients
  • People
  • Society
  • Innovation
  • Results
  • Business models
  • Intellectual/Industrial Property.




  • Ekintzaile

This grant is Intended for private individuals, micro-companies, SMEs and large industrial companies or related services. The gran includes a maximum of €30,000 non-recoverable funding, and up to 100% of all eligible expenses.


  • Basque VCF – Entrepreneurs

This grant is intended for industrial micro-companies and SMEs or related services that have been Ekintzaile beneficiaries and promotes the support for the maturation of a business idea at a Business and Innovation Centre. The new company may gain access to favourable loans.

-TRANCHE 1: Financing at the time immediately after the company’s creation.

-TRANCHE 2: Financing for companies with growth potential at a later stage. They are classified into three categories: high potential, potential and ICT projects.



  • Gauzatu Industria (Industry)

This grant is intended for Industrial SMEs in extraction, transformation, production, technical services (linked to the product-process) and related with the aforementioned.

This grant is purpose to:

-Small companies with a Technology Basis: Advances of 35% on the investment.

-Small companies only working in Innovation: Advances of 30% on the investment.

-Medium-sized technology-based companies: Advances of 30% of the investment.

-Medium-sized Companies only in Innovation: Advances of 25% on the investment.


  • Gauzatu Implantaciones Exteriores (roll-outs abroad)

This grant is intended for small and medium-sized companies that make a production plant or commercial establishment or acquire a company abroad.

This grant is purpose to:

-Small Companies: Advances of 30% on the investment.

-Medium-sized Companies: Advances of 25% on the investment.


  • Renove Maquinaria (Machinery renovation)

This grant is Intended for Basque industrial SMEs and it supports to acquire industrial machinery for modernisation and greater workplace safety. It is a non-repayable grant (de minimis).



  • Internationalisation Services

This grant is intended for Basque companies for their START-UP, CONSOLIDATION AND ROLL-OUT. The grant is an integrated support for Basque companies to ease their access to foreign markets and their processes to complete full roll-out there through the SPRI FOREIGN NETWORK .



  • Share in the Corporate Capital

The management firm invests through Funds with a temporary minority interest in the capital of non-financial companies that are not officially traded. It manages three types of funds based on the project promoter profile and the investment objective: Generalist Funds, Entrepreneurship Funds and Lanpar Fund.



Location sites based on each company’s needs, managed through SPRI Group Companies.


  • Land and urbanised industrial areas for installing and locating industrial


  • Technology Parks Network. They house technologically advanced

companies, research centres and various entities which make them a point

of reference in R&D.


  • Álava Technology Park
  • Bizkaia Science and Technology Park
  • Gipuzkoa Science and Technology Park


Incubator spaces for new technology and/or innovation-based companies


  • BIC ARABA (Araba)
  • BIC BIZKAIA (Bizkaia)
  • BIC GIPUZKOA (Gipuzkoa)