The Basque Country is one of the best locations to run a Startup because of its industrial environment. It’s also important to consider that the Basque Country provides different types of grants to aspiring entrepreneurs. As part of the Basque Government grants, local administration offer other interesting grants.




  • Entrepreneurship in Álava

This grant is intended for promoting the creation of new companies in Álava by granting funding under a competitive tendering system, to those organisations and entrepreneurs that carry out projects which lead to the modernisation, diversification and competitive. This grant is for private individuals with a project to create a new business unit, organisations in Álava that wish to diversify their activities by submitting a specific project to create a new business unit which consists of a legal entity different from one which was previously existing, organisations or private individuals with their headquarters or activity outside of Álava, but which move or open a centre of activity in the Territory and organisations or private individuals with a running centre of activity in Álava which is no older than two years in age since the beginning of its activity or incorporation at the application submission date, and which still remains within the business launch stage.

To be considered for the grant your organisation aims have to be to develop projects to create companies or put centres of activity in place in the Historical Territory de Álava which introduce some innovative feature in terms of products, production processes, organisation, marketing and markets, with high added value and growth potential, and which support the diversification and addition of new technologies into the business fabric.


  • Álava Innova

This grant is intended for promoting innovation in Álava by granting funding under a competitive tendering system, to those organisations which carry out projects and/or activities which lead to economic modernisation and/or improvement in the competitiveness of Álava’s productive fabric. This grant is for Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), whatever their legal status of establishment, with their registered tax address in the Historical Territory of Álava, or which at least have a centre of activity located in the Historical Territoryo f Álava, and on the application submission date have had no less than two years elapse since the company’s incorporation or beginning of activity, The self-employed with their registered tax address in the Historical Territory of Álava, Technology and/or research centres with a centre of activity in Álava, university centres with a learning unit in Álava,foundations and associations of business R&D companies and units with their registered tax address inside the Historical Territory of Álava.

To be considered eligible for the grant your organisation has to be in the following innovative activities

  • Innovation in a product or service
  • Innovation in a product or service
  • Innovation in organisation
  • Innovation in marketing and markets / Internationalisation
  • Other innovation activities


  • Álava InterKOOP

This grant is intended for supporting the completion of projects and/or activities aimed at promoting cooperation in the internationalisation processes of Álava’s small and medium-sized companies, as well as cooperation between companies in Álava to achieve operations abroad jointly, by granting funding under a competitive application system. This grant is for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), whatever their legal manner of establishment, with their registered tax address in the Historical Territory of Álava, or which have a centre of production or services located in the Historical Territory of Álava, which are at least one year old, calculated from the date of the company’s incorporation to that of the application submission, driving entities which lead projects to support SME companies in Álava in their internationalisation process and non-profit entities which are representative of Álava’s productive fabric and have verified experience in the international promotion of companies.

To be eligible for funding the organization’s activities is to support the start up with business cooperation projects for internationalisation, such as those for technical, commercial, financial or other types of cooperation with companies from other countries, as well as for cooperation between companies in Álava for their joint expansion abroad.

The activities eligible for funding in the case of SMEs may be:

  • Processes for collaboration between SMEs in Álava for their internationalisation.
  • Designing strategic internationalisation plans, market studies, technical and economic feasibility studies, marketing studies, etc.
  • Consultation on legal, fiscal and financial aspects, etc.
  • Technical certifications and approvals for products in local markets.


  • Hazibide seed capital

This grant is intended to the promotion of companies in the Historical Territory of Álava by acquiring a temporary shareholding in their capital. Hazibide is a seed capital company with the participation of the Regional Government of Álava, the Municipal Government of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Caja Vital, Talde and Erkide, which provides economic support to new and recently created SMEs from Álava, through the system of temporarily acquiring a minority stake in their Share Capital, with a maximum contribution of 120,000 euros.

This grant involves acquiring a stake in the Share Capital in the amount of up to €120,000, in accordance with the following conditions:

  • The stake must be a MINORITY shareholding, always less than 50% of the Share Capital.
  • The shareholding must be TEMPORARY. Hazibide provides stability for a sufficient time in the shareholder structure to allow the business project to mature.

The Requirements to become an invested company is as follows

  • The company must be registered in Álava.
  • It must perform an activity that is beginning or has recently begun.
  • Hazibide above all places values on activities which contribute some sort of innovative, technological or strategic component, though they do not rule out projects solely because they do not possess these characteristics.
  • In order to become an invested company, it is essential for the entrepreneur to be committed, as well as the project’s economic and commercial feasibility.



  • Development of innovative business projects

This grant is to facilitate the startup of new innovative business projects. It is intended for private individuals who promote new innovative companies, existing companies which promote new innovative companies, new innovative companies that had not begun their activity prior to 1st January 2014, and which were established as Mercantile Companies or Cooperatives and existing companies with more than ten employees that promote new business units, as a result of intra-entrepreneurship processes designed jointly with BEAZ, SAU.

This grant is to mainly to support  the development and design of the business plan for new innovative companies or the new business unit for intra-entrepreneurship projects.

Eligible expenses: Feasibility and market studies; specific technical reports and studies; protection of intellectual and industrial property, records, certifications and approvals; prototypes; travel to and attendance at trade fairs, and external consultation for project development. The funding amount will depending upon the project’s score:

  • From 50 to 59 points: no more than 80% of the development costs, up to a maximum limit of €20,000.
  • From 60 to 69 points: no more than 80% of the development costs, up to a maximum limit of €30,000.
  • From 70 to 79 points: no more than 100% of the development costs, up to a maximum limit of €40,000.
  • 80 points or more: 100% of the development costs, up to a maximum limit of €60,000.


New innovative companies

This grant is for promoting the creation of new innovative companies in Bizkaia. Its intended for new innovative companies that meet the following requirements on the application submission date:

  • Being legally incorporated as a Mercantile Company or Cooperative.
  • Having two full-time employees.
  • Having their registered fiscal address and a production centre in Bizkaia.
  • Not having been an Area 2 beneficiary of the Innovative Companies Creation Programme in the past.
  • Being current on tax obligations, Social Security payments and the repayment of funding/subsidies.
  • Not having received any administrative or criminal sanction for having committed discrimination based on gender.
  • Not being subject to any of the circumstances in Article 12 of Regional Regulation 5/2005, of 31st May 2005.

This grant is to fund expenses required to incorporate, startup and launch and the new company. The following is the expenses eligible for funding and maximum funding amount:

  • Up to 30% of the share capital paid up, up to a maximum limit of €15,000 per company.
  • Up to 60% of the following expenses, with the following maximum thresholds:
  • Cost of contracting a technologist (max. of €25,000)
  • Marketing Plan: (max. of €10,000)
  • Start-up, launch, travel to and attendance at trade fairs (max. of €15,000).
  • Protection of intellectual and industrial property, registers, certifications and approvals (max. of €15,000).
  • Rent payment for leasing business premises in Bizkaia (max. of €15,000)
  • The maximum amount of the funding will be €70,000 per company.


  • Seed Capital Bizkaia

The purpose for this grant is to support the creation, growth and consolidation of new innovative companies and socially innovative business initiatives.

There are three types of funds: “Seed funds” for acquiring a stake in the capital of newly created companies, the “development fund” to support the growth of existing companies and the “social entrepreneurship and innovation fund” to support the promotion and consolidation of new companies or already existing companies which promote entrepreneurship and social innovation. The venture capital company Seed Capital Bizkaia Mikro is a “simplified venture capital company” whose main business purpose is to promote micro-financing.


  • 3i Programme to provide full support for innovation, internationalisation and investment 2017

This grant is to increase competitiveness through integrated actions in innovation, internationalisation and investment. Its intended for small and medium-sized companies in Bizkaia (10-249 employees) whose activities fall within the sectors of Industry,Construction, Transport, Services related with Industry and Wholesale Commerce.

This grant is to fund for strategic actions to improve competitiveness consisting of an integrated project that covers at least two of the following areas: innovation, investment and internationalisation, carried out at a centre belonging to the company in Bizkaia.

Eligible expense include:

  • Investment in tangible assets.
  • Consulting services for innovation, investment and internationalisation
  • Participation in trade fairs abroad.
  • Activities in experimental development and feasibility studies.
  • Innovation activities in processes and organisation.
  • Obtaining, validating and defending patents and other intangible assets.


  • Bizkaia Digital: Industrial Internet 2017

This grant is to support and make more dynamic the implementation of the Internet of Things in processes, products and services in the companies of Bizkaia. This grant is intended for companies that are legally incorporated in Bizkaia as a mercantile company or cooperative on the application submission date, and which should meet the following requirements:

  • Having created three jobs (two in the case of new companies) on the application submission date and keeping them in
  • existence for at least one year after payment of the funding.
  • Having a staff of no more than 200 people.

Not surpassing either of the following two limits: €40,000,000 in annual business volume, or €35,000,000 in overall balance.

The grant will be for funding the following expenses, up to 60% for:

  1. Carrying out a project involving the Internet of Things at an existing company.
  • Feasibility studies, market studies, prototypes, specific technical reports and studies, external consultation for project implementation and the protection of intellectual and industrial property.
  • Internal staffing costs intended for the project, of up to 40%, with a maximum limit of €30,000.
  1. Creation of a new company whose main activity consists of developing processes, products or services based on the Internet of Things.
  • Incorporation of the new company, for up to 30% of the share capital paid up in cash. (maximum: €10,000).
  • Expenses for leasing the business premises, of up to 60%, with a maximum limit of €10,000.
  • The new company’s start-up and launch, for up to 60%, with a maximum limit of €10,000.

The maximum limit of the funding per project: €80,000.


  • Elkartegiak Programme

This grant is to offer adequate spaces to business projects that contribute to sustainable, balanced development in Bizkaia,facilitating sites at industrial halls and/or office modules in Business Centres (Elkartegiak), which are owned by Azpiegitura, S.A.U. its intended for Companies that have signed a lease agreement with Azpiegitura, S.A.U. through the Elkartegiak Programme, after the date of 31-10-2011, and which meet the established requirements.The beneficiary companies must have a staff employed on an indefinite basis of at least one person, if the company is newly created, or at least two people, if it is a pre-existing company. “Staff” is defined as the ensemble of employed personnel and/or partner(s) working under a system of self-employment. Likewise, the indefinitely employed staff must make up at least 60% of the staff in all.

The funding is up to 50% of the price/month appearing in the signed lease agreement, not including condominium fees or the VAT. The system for occupying the premises shall be that of a lease with purchase option, after one year of the lease has elapsed, with the exception of Getxo Elkartegia and Bakio Elkartegia, where the system shall be that of a lease without purchase option.



  • TXEKINTEK – Support for creating technology-based and/or innovative companies

This grant is to assist new business projects which contribute to the diversification of the business fabric of Gipuzkoa, on the basis of their transformative nature, their high added value and, with a special emphasis on those that contribute to green jobs and the circular economy, whether consisting of private initiatives or through corporate intra-entrepreneurship.

It is intended for private individuals with official residence in Gipuzkoa and bodies corporate with registered tax address in Gipuzkoa, that have an idea for a business project of an innovative and/or technological nature that is going to be implemented in Gipuzkoa.

Assistance for the entrepreneur or promotion team in their processes for maturing a business idea with a basis in

technology and/or innovation, as well as the design of the business plan until its start-up.

Business initiatives that will be supervised by BIC Gipuzkoa

The following will be considered costs eligible for funding:

  • The work of the promoting person or team (up to a maximum of 600 euros/month).
  • Acquiring skills in the field of business and/or the specific field involved in the business project.
  • External consulting and technical assistance costs.
  • Prospecting studies and documentation.
  • Attending trade fairs, travel, etc.
  • Making models and prototypes.


The funding may amount to as much as 100% of the eligible expenses, up to a maximum limit of €30,000 per business project.


  • BARNETEKIN – Support for business projects in the process to create a company

This grant is to assist new business projects, through corporate intra-entrepreneurship, which contribute to the diversification of the business fabric of Gipuzkoa, on the basis of their transformative nature and their high added value, with a special emphasis on those that contribute to green jobs and the circular economy. This grant is intended for legal bodies with registered tax address in Gipuzkoa, that have an idea for a business project of an innovative and/or technological nature.Assistance for the person or promotion team in their processes for maturing a business idea with a basis in technology and/or innovation, as well as the design of the business plan until its start-up.Business initiatives that will be supervised by BIC Gipuzkoa.

The following will be considered costs eligible for funding:

  • The work of the promoting person or team (up to a maximum of 600 euros/month).
  • Acquiring skills in the field of business and/or the specific field involved in the business project.
  • Consulting and external technical assistance costs.
  • Prospecting studies and documentation.
  • Attending trade fairs, travel, etc.
  • Making models and prototypes.

The funding may amount to as much as 100% of the eligible expenses, up to a maximum limit of €30,000 per business project



This grant is for supporting New Technology-based Companies and/or transformative companies that display great growth potential and/or a scalable business model.

This is intended for small Technology-based Companies and/or Innovative company with registered tax address in Gipuzkoa, that have been supervised by a BIC of the Basque Autonomous Region (CAPV) for more than 2 years, with less than 5 years in existence at the date when the funding tender date took effect. Funding for projects which entail the acquisition and development of knowledge, the acquisition of specific instruments and investment, access to markets, the building of a network of contacts and access to financing.

To be considered expenses eligible for funding are those costs or investments necessary for the start-up and feasibility of the business project. And, more specifically:

  • Contracting for R&D actions.
  • Acquisition of instruments and equipment.
  • Consultation and patents.
  • Knowledge acquisition and development processes.
  • Articulating dynamics to obtain new channels of financing.
  • External consultancy and specialised technical assistance.
  • Initiatives aimed at expanding markets.

The funding may amount to as much as 75% of the eligible expenses, up to a maximum limit of €75,000 per company.


  • Inteligencia competitiva (Competitive intelligence)

This grant is to promote the sustainability of companies through competitive intelligence in a way that makes it possible to produce,

share and transform the knowledge of people, organisations and the surrounding environment in strategic decision-making processes.

It is intended for Companies based in Gipuzkoa or Associations of companies, clusters and development agencies based in Gipuzkoa.

The aid will be given the form of funding, with the following breakdown and percentages:

  • Companies: funding of up to 75% of the eligible costs on actions to include and/or develop experimental dynamics.
  • Associations of companies, clusters and development agencies: 100% of the eligible costs on actions to raise awareness and increase sensitivity.


  • Programme to promote the competitive strengthening of Gipuzkoa’s business fabric – ERALGIP

This grant is to promote the sustainable value of companies while creating territories of opportunity through the intelligent use of their skills, helping them to stand out and achieve diversification, transforming theirs into a product and/or service and/or market and/or business model.

This grant is intended for Companies based in Gipuzkoa or Entities belonging to the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network and based in Gipuzkoa.

The activities eligible for funding shall consist of the completion of projects (studies, analyses and prospecting, creation of supporting tools, putting in place experimental dynamics and experiences for business transformation) for:

  • The intelligent identification and use of the knowledge which makes the company stand out from the rest (essential skills and value creation), as well as its outreach into society and the market in a way coherent with that special knowledge to create business opportunities with greater future potential.
  • Processes of transformation amongst users and clientele, as active role-players in companies.
  • Processes of business transformation oriented towards development of the circular economy.

The funding will amount to 75% of the eligible costs, with the exception of projects involving studies, analyses, prospecting and creating supporting tools…, for which it will be 100%.


  • Programme to promote the competitive strengthening of Gipuzkoa’s business fabric – JARRAIPENA

This grant is to promote the continuity and grounding of companies’ activities by creating and developing a propitious environment that produces instruments and arenas which facilitate business transfer, while also fomenting and supporting formulas for transfer in companies.

This grant is intended for companies based in Gipuzkoa or Entities belonging to the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network and based in Gipuzkoa.

The activities eligible for funding shall consist of studies, analyses and prospecting, as well as experimental projects, for the development of projects to:

  • Generate and collect information and knowledge which allows for better decision-making in the realms of business continuity and transfer.
  • Creating favourable environments which get territorial, economic and social role-players involved.
  • Developing and/or starting up processes, systems, tools and supports to create environments conducive to business transfer.
  • Creating corporate governance processes and enabling them.
  • Dynamics to increase awareness, skills and empowerment of the individuals who play a role in the transfer of business.
  • Starting up transformative pilot experiences.
  • Increasing awareness, visibility and social appreciation with regard to the continuity of business activity and business transfer.

The funding will amount to 75% of the eligible costs, with the exception of projects involving studies, analyses, prospecting and creating supporting tools…, for which it will be 100%.


  • Programme to promote the competitive strengthening of Gipuzkoa’s business fabric – ELKARLANA

This grant is to promote competitive abilities through cooperation amongst companies to define and achieve certain benchmarks (ability to respond to markets) suitable for carrying out specific projects and new business opportunities.

This grant is intended for companies based in Gipuzkoa which are operated under a cooperative system.To be defined as costs eligible for funding are those expenses which appear in the itemised budget breakdown for the activity filed by the applicant entity, undoubtedly related to the development of this subject matter.

The activities eligible for funding shall consist of the development of projects for intervention and experimentation in companies to:

  • Design business cooperation models.
  • Articulate new business benchmarks.
  • Make viable the return of productive activities to Gipuzkoa (Reshoring) which had previously been subcontracted, transferred and/or performed offshore outside of the Basque Autonomous Region by companies from Gipuzkoa.
  • Carrying out projects through cooperation which lead to greater competitiveness and sustainability for the companies which undertake the cooperation.


To be defined as costs eligible for funding are those expenses which appear in the itemised budget breakdown for the activity filed by the applicant entity, undoubtedly related to the development of this subject matter.The funding may be for up to 75% of the eligible costs.


  • Aid for cooperation between SMEs and driving companies

This grant is to furthering and promoting the internationalization and opening abroad of small and medium-sized companies from Gipuzkoa, in cooperation with driving entities.

It is intended for Small and medium-sized companies (referred to hereafter as SMEs) from Gipuzkoa which participate in some cooperation project led by a driving entity or Driving entities which lead projects to support SME companies from Gipuzkoa in their internationalisation process.

The following activities shall be eligible for funding:

  • Consultation for SMEs by the lead driving entity in its plans to open abroad or approach new markets and activities.
  • Support for inter-business cooperation actions as a strategy to gain access to global markets.
  • Actions for opening SMEs up to foreign markets, such as participating in events.
  • Assisting SMEs to support them in their activity to draw closer to new markets and in their diversification.
  • International structure platforms in which businesses from Gipuzkoa and the Basque Country are grouped together, creating synergies.
  • Internationalisation of relevant commercialisation networks of driving companies which are oriented towards supporting the collaborating SME companies that do not have resources of this nature.
  • Activities related with the possibility of attracting foreign business groups to our Territory.
  • Other activities oriented towards supporting and driving the SMEs of Gipuzkoa.

The aid may be for up to 65% of the eligible costs (75% if they are SMEs).


  • Gipuzkoa Industria 4.0: Acquisition of Advanced Equipment

This grant is to support the purchase of new advanced equipment to expand an existing establishment, the diversification of an establishment’s production for adding new products or an essential change in the general production process of an existing establishment. The investment must be capable of creating an essential change in the general production process or management of an existing establishment using technologies related with advanced production and the 4.0 Industry. It is intended for Companies and joint property entities from Gipuzkoa with their registered tax address in Gipuzkoa and a staff of at least 10 employees working full-time, or 6 employees in the case of New Technology-based Companies (NTBC). Funding to purchase new advanced equipment. This may be financed through leases and will be considered an expense eligible for funding provided that the company undertakes to exercise the purchase option with the financial entity that completes the operation.


The projects must include eligible expenses with a minimum budget of 20,000 euros. Percentages and maximum amount of funding: 25% of the eligible cost (35% if it is a medium-sized company and 45% for small companies) Percentages and maximum amount of funding

  • 20% of the investment in the case of medium-sized companies
  • 25% of the investment in the case of small companies

Maximum funding per project: 60,000 euros.


  • Gipuzkoa Industria 4.0: Technological diagnosis

This grant is to the subcontracting of technical assistance for designing a company’s own technological strategy to improve its competitiveness, in line with the Basque Strategy of Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. This grant is intended for small companies with less than 50 workers and a business volume or general annual balance < 10 million euros.

Percentages and maximum amount of funding: 50% of the expense eligible for funding.

Maximum amount: €150,000.


  • Gipuzkoa Industria 4.0: Development of products and services (R&D and innovation)

This grant is to support the completion of projects aimed at the development of new products, technologies or applications intended for the market of Advanced Production and the 4.0 Industry. This grant is intended for companies and joint property entities from Gipuzkoa with a registered tax address in Gipuzkoa and a staff of at least 10 employees working full-time, or 6 employees in the case of New Technology Based Companies (NTBC).

The development of the following products and services shall be eligible for funding:

  • Business management and control, and new business models (servitisation, etc.).
  • Management and control of the production process
  • Development of means of production for Industry 4.0 products
  • Connectivity and mobility / Cyber-security
  • Big Data / Computing and the cloud
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality
  • Advanced robotics / Smart low-end and embedded sensors and systems
  • Artificial vision, 3D inspection and advanced measurement
  • Additive manufacturing and 3D printing
  • Process and product traceability technologies

Eligible expenses: Staffing costs and Subcontracting, percentage funding: 25% of the eligible cost (35% if it is a medium-sized company and 45% for small companies)

Maximum amount: €150,000.


  • Product innovation

This grant is to accelerate the inclusion of new products in the market, supporting those aspects which contribute to transforming technologies and products from the pre-commercial prototyping stage to that of the product which may be industrially produced with adaptation to the requirements of the market. This grant is intended for companies and joint property entities of Gipuzkoa with registered tax addresses in Gipuzkoa.

The following activities may be eligible for funding:

  • Projects to increase the momentum of industrial scaling of products developed in the pre-commercial stage.
  • R&D and innovation activities to complete the development of the new product: industrial design, product engineering, prototype validation and re-designing…
  • R&D and innovation activities to industrialise the new product: industrialisation study, development of new means of production, studies on new materials, moulds or tools…
  • R&D and innovation activities to get the new product into the market: potential patenting, validation and certification,industrial property and patent…

Percentages and maximum amount of funding:

  • Expenses of sub-contracting to RVCTI (Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network) Centres: up to 60%
  • Consulting, advice and services expenses: up to 40% of the expense
  • Industrial property and patents expenses: up to 40% of the expense
  • Expenses for moulds, materials and other items: Up to 20% funding
  • Personnel costs: Up to 20% funding

In the case of small companies, these percentages shall be 10% greater.