
ALTERIA Automation Bind Industry 40 Acceleration Program Startup
  • COFARES, founded as a cooperative in 1944, is the leading company in the distribution of medicines and health products in Spain. With 100% pharmaceutical capital, it has a network of more than 15.000 pharmacies.
  • With the aim of accelerating innovation processes in eHeath, Cofares has launched its Innovation Hub from which promotes the development of new value propositions, based on disruptive technologies, for pharmacies and the healthcare ecosystem.
  • The Cofares Innovation Hub is conceived as a space of co-creation and collaboration in which entrepreneurs, academics and investors gather together to stimulate innovation and accelerate new digital technologies, services and startups within the eHealth sector.COFARES, founded as cooperative in 1944, is the leading company in the distribution of medicines and health products in Spain, with 100% pharmaceutical capital.

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