ALTERIA Automation Bind Industry 40 Acceleration Program Startup

A new generation of Nano Silver Ink which is more durable, more flexible and more cost effective. Nanocnet is based in Ontario, Canada.

  • Project: Nanocnet & Sener:
    Development and validation of a conductive ink based on the NanoSilvex material in order to improve the quality and / or reduce the cost of waveguides made of aluminum and titanium which are used in the aeronautical industry.

Articles related with Nanocnet


Industry 4.0 Events and Conferences for Startups 2022-2023


BIND 4.0 attends industry events annually and facilitates the participation of our startup alumni for relevant events in entrepreneurship and innovation across verticals. To keep up with industry trends, BIND 4.0 has generated a Top 2022 - 2023 Industry Events Guide for Founders and Tech Startups. This list of 30+ [...]


Tools for Expert Corporate – Startup Collaboration


Corporate-Startup Collaboration Assessment & Innovation Maturity As we head into a new year and a new round of acceleration and open innovation projects, we want to focus on the benefits of collaboration assessment and how to make the most of it. BIND 4.0 gathers digital transformation experts and offers Corporate [...]

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