SummarizeBot Bind Industry 40 Acceleration Program Startup

We simplify complex processes and automate what previously required human-level intelligence with a help of natural language processing and AI.

  • Project: SummarizeBot & Unilever, CAF. Imagine that you have 200 pages pdf document / report – it would take a day to read and analyse it.
    You will have to upload it to our system and in seconds we will be able to give
    – you any specific answer on question you will ask
    – query focused summary
    – technical/medical/legal/etc. – entities and terms
    – the most important keywords
    With a help of our analytical platform based on AI-powered associative search, question answering search and summarisation technologies we are to save you tons of time on documents and knowledge analysis (patents, technical documentation, reports, contracts, medical articles, scientific papers, corporate reports).

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